What's New

Optimizing Children's Health: The Synergy Between Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologists

Optimizing Children's Health: The Synergy Between Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologists

Children’s health and development require a multi-faceted approach, especially when it comes to physical wellness. Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologists play crucial roles in supporting children.

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Understanding and Responding to

Understanding and Responding to "I Hate You" from Your Child

As parents, hearing the words "I hate you" from our child can be deeply hurtful and distressing. It's natural to feel a range of emotions, from anger to sadness and confusion. However, it's crucial to understand that these words are often an expression of intense emotions rather than a reflection of hatred. In this blog post, we'll explore why children may say they hate their parents and how to respond constructively, whilst supporting their emotions.

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The Joy of Cooking Together

The Joy of Cooking Together

In the whirlwind of modern life, finding quality time to spend with our children can sometimes feel challenging. Amidst work commitments, school activities, and endless digital distractions, carving out these moments can be a struggle. One activity that can be used to bond with your children and is also as a powerful tool for promoting their health and wellbeing is cooking together.

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Understanding and Overcoming Parental Burnout

Understanding and Overcoming Parental Burnout

Parenting is undoubtedly one of life's most rewarding experiences, but it can also be an overwhelming journey filled with challenges and demands. As parents strive to meet the ever-changing needs of their children, the risk of parental burnout looms. Recognising the signs and symptoms of burnout is essential for proactive intervention.

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Easter Holiday GMA - Get Active

Easter Holiday GMA - Get Active

Why not join our super active gross motor program during the school holidays. Our physio and OTs have joined forces to offer a fun, therapeutic program. Develop your core, learn new skills, challenge yourself and make friends. You will be supported by skilled therapists throughout the program.

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Sensory Food Aversion in Children

Sensory Food Aversion in Children

Mealtime can be a struggle for many parents, while some children are simply picky eaters, others may exhibit a more complex issue known as Sensory Food Aversion. In this blog post, we will explore the differences between fussy eaters and children with Sensory Food Aversion, offering strategies for support and guidance on when to seek professional help.

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Embracing Boredom: The Hidden Benefits for Child Development

Embracing Boredom: The Hidden Benefits for Child Development

In a world filled with screens, activities, and constant stimulation, the concept of letting children be bored may seem counterintuitive. However, the truth is, boredom plays a crucial role in a child's development. In this blog, we'll explore why boredom is essential for children, delve into the benefits, and provide practical tips for parents on managing and harnessing the power of boredom.

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Empowering Shy Kids: Building Confidence and Bravery

Empowering Shy Kids: Building Confidence and Bravery

Shyness is a common trait among children and often a part of their personality. However, as parents and caregivers, we can help our shy kids build confidence and become braver individuals. At All About Kids, we understand the importance of nurturing a child's development and helping them flourish. If you're looking for support and guidance, our friendly team is here to assist.

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Coordination, Balance, and Motor Skill Delays in Children

Coordination, Balance, and Motor Skill Delays in Children

Childhood is a time of growth, development, and exploration. However, some children may face challenges when it comes to coordination, balance, and motor skills. These delays can impact various aspects of a child's life, from academic performance to social interactions.  In this blog, we'll delve into the different types of delays, explore their potential causes, highlight signs and symptoms, and discuss the importance of seeking professional support.

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Everything you wanted to know about handwriting!

Everything you wanted to know about handwriting!

Step into our blog post where we explore effective strategies for ensuring that your child's handwriting abilities meet the standards expected in the classroom. Whether your child is beginning their educational path or seeking to enhance their penmanship, we have compiled valuable tips and insights to support their journey toward academic success.

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I am a Mental Health Occupational Therapist

I am a Mental Health Occupational Therapist

In the realm of mental health care, the term "Occupational Therapist" may not be the first profession that comes to mind. Often overshadowed by Psychiatrists and Psychologists, Mental Health Occupational Therapists (OTs) play a crucial role in helping individuals with mental health challenges. In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of Mental Health Occupational Therapists, exploring what they do, how they help, and why their work is so valuable. Chelsea (MHOT)

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What is Floortime? Our OT explains!

What is Floortime? Our OT explains!

Floortime therapy, also known as the Developmental, Individual Difference, Relationship-Based (DIR) model, is an evidence based approach used in Occupational Therapy and other therapeutic interventions for children with developmental challenges. It was developed by Dr. Stanley Greenspan and focuses on promoting social, emotional, and cognitive development through play-based interactions (ICDL, 2023).

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Nurturing Self-Esteem in Children

Nurturing Self-Esteem in Children

In the vibrant tapestry of childhood, self-esteem plays a pivotal role. It's the cornerstone upon which children build their self-worth, confidence, and resilience. However, like any other aspect of development, self-esteem can face challenges, particularly in children.

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Building Resilience in Children

Building Resilience in Children

Resilience is a vital skill that helps children navigate the ups and downs of life with kindness and strength. It empowers them to bounce back from adversity, face challenges head-on, and develop a positive outlook on life. We all have the incredible opportunity to nurture this resilience in children.

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The Essential Role of Speech Pathologists: Speech Pathology Week 2023

The Essential Role of Speech Pathologists: Speech Pathology Week 2023

Communication is at the heart of human interaction, playing a pivotal role in our daily lives. For some children, however, the journey to effective communication can present unique challenges.

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Understanding Learning Disabilities: Unleashing the Potential Within

Understanding Learning Disabilities: Unleashing the Potential Within

Learning disabilities can pose unique challenges for individuals, affecting their ability to acquire and process information. Learning disabilities encompass a range of conditions that affect different aspects of learning. Three common types include dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia.

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Promoting Inclusivity and Empowerment: Learning Disability Week

Promoting Inclusivity and Empowerment: Learning Disability Week

Learning Disability Week 2023 runs from 19th to 25th June 2023 🌟 This event aims to improve the quality of life for individuals with learning disabilities by raising awareness about important issues, fighting stigma and discrimination, and raising funds for outreach and support programs.

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Winter Holiday Anger Busters - Get Social

Winter Holiday Anger Busters - Get Social

If you are between 4 and 7 years old, join our Winter Holidays Emotion Management program. Run by our Occupational therapy team, including an experienced Mental Health OT, this group promises to be a favourite.

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Benefits of Online Assessments in Speech Language Therapy

Benefits of Online Assessments in Speech Language Therapy

Speech language therapy focuses on the diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of communication and swallowing disorders. Speech language therapists work with individuals of all ages to help them improve their communication and swallowing abilities.

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Modelling Self-Care to Your Child or Children

Modelling Self-Care to Your Child or Children

For many parents, the average day feels like a race against the clock; meeting all of your child’s non-negotiable needs, accomplishing all necessary household tasks, managing playdates and school expectations, and, often, fitting work in as well, leaves parents stressed and depleted. Even the most organised and balanced of families can find it difficult to make time for self-care.

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How Counselling Can Help Parents Manage Their Own Needs and Improve Parenting

How Counselling Can Help Parents Manage Their Own Needs and Improve Parenting

Counselling can be an effective tool for parents who are struggling to manage their own needs while also trying to be effective caregivers for their children. 

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DIR Floortime – A Therapy Approach Used for Young Children

DIR Floortime – A Therapy Approach Used for Young Children

Developmental, Individual-difference, Relationship-based Floortime (or DIR Floortime) is a therapeutic approach that focuses on supporting children with developmental challenges, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

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Circle of Security Parent Program

Circle of Security Parent Program

Do you sometimes feel lost about how to be a good parent or what exactly it is that your children need from you?

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Are you looking for an appointment?

Are you looking for an appointment?

A quick view of our availability in Brisbane. We have new Physiotherapy and Mental Health Occupational therapy supports.

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How to Manage Christmas Day and the Holidays Following Separation or Divorce

How to Manage Christmas Day and the Holidays Following Separation or Divorce

Christmas is often described as ‘the most wonderful time of the year’, however for many, it can be the most stressful and unhappy time of the year too.

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Play Therapy: What is it and How Does it Benefit Your Child?

Play Therapy: What is it and How Does it Benefit Your Child?

When you think back to your happy childhood, what is it you remember? Is it the carefree times you played with friends in the park, playground or garden? Is it the fun-filled games that you created or the make-shift stories you acted out with your family? 

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Five Ways Speech Therapy Can Help Children with Autism

Five Ways Speech Therapy Can Help Children with Autism

Speech therapy is always recommended for children who are diagnosed with autism and often it will be the first treatment that a doctor will suggest for your child. Speech therapy is a wide-ranging field that ranges from body language to the pronunciation of words, to understanding social cues around speech and language. 

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What are Developmental Milestones?

What are Developmental Milestones?

Developmental milestones are things most children can do by a certain age and these milestones can be used as a ‘checklist’ to help you identify any potential problems early on, as well as provide positive reassurance for yourself and your child.

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September Holiday Program

September Holiday Program

Join Cameron (OT) and Carter (Physio) at our Brendale gym for some holiday fun. Gross Motor Adventures is for Prep to Year 4 kids. Make some holiday friends and take part in activities designed by our team of occupational and physiotherapists.

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Signs Your Child Might Need to Visit a Speech Pathologist

Signs Your Child Might Need to Visit a Speech Pathologist

It is important to know that speech and language development will hugely vary between every child, even within the same family. However, there are certain milestones that can be considered in line with normal development.  

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How to Communicate Effectively with Emotional Teenagers

How to Communicate Effectively with Emotional Teenagers

Teenagers: hormones are raging, peer pressure is rife, thoughts are running riot and no-one, absolutely no-one, could ever understand how hard their life is! 

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Combat Bullying – Teaching Your Child How to be Assertive

Combat Bullying – Teaching Your Child How to be Assertive

Being assertive can be incredibly difficult, no matter how old you are. For kids in particular, it can be even harder to practise assertive behaviour in front of more confident or outspoken children, especially bullies. 

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The Signs That Your Child May Have Autism: Recognition and Support

The Signs That Your Child May Have Autism: Recognition and Support

As parents, we’re often on the lookout for any signs that our children might be experiencing physical or mental struggles. When it comes to autism, it can be tricky to spot any early warning signs.

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Holiday Group Programs

Holiday Group Programs

Holiday group bookings are now available. Call Emily on 3262 6009. Find our list of programs here.

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Understanding children's thoughts and feelings

Understanding children's thoughts and feelings

Expressing thoughts and feelings is important for increasing resilience. Helping children to express themselves well goes a long way to developing healthy and successful children, teens and adults.

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2022 QLD Covid clinic visit requirements

2022 QLD Covid clinic visit requirements

Please read our QLD clinic requirements. State Government has advised of new processes to be implemented by the 17th of December in all Allied Health clinics.

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How to use a First-Then board

How to use a First-Then board

Does your child use First-Then boards at school? This is how to make and use one at home. Your therapist may also use them and will be happy to help you put together some ideas for home.

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Psychologists working with teens

Psychologists working with teens

What does a psychologist do? This video discusses the different roles that psychologists take when working with teens. See some great tips for parents on talking to your teen about visiting a psychologist or counsellor.

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Waiting to see a Speech Pathologist?

Waiting to see a Speech Pathologist?

Our lovely speechie, Deb has given us some tips on how to model and assist your child's speech or grammar while you wait to see a therapist.

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NDIS Core, Capital and Capacity Building Supports

NDIS Core, Capital and Capacity Building Supports

The NDIS can be confusing. When it comes to understanding your plan and the associated funding please talk to your ECEI Coordinator or LAC Coordinator. The terms used by the Scheme is specific, and there are certainly quite a lot, which can be somewhat overwhelming. However, to understand a little about the funding avenues and the terms used read this summary.

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What does a Speech Language Pathologist do?

What does a Speech Language Pathologist do?

This is a helpful video if you are wondering what a Speech Language Pathologist does. The therapists at All About Kids work creatively with children who experience a range of difficulites.

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OT working with daily living skills

OT working with daily living skills

This short clip gives an insight into how a therapist works with a children with motor and development delay.

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What does an Occupational Therapist do?

What does an Occupational Therapist do?

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Challenging Teens

Challenging Teens

If you are looking for some tips on where to start with your challenging teen? Here are some suggestions to get you started.

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Have you been wondering whether your language delayed child should only speak one language? Has a professional suggested you only speak English with your child? Are you worried that you child won't learn English if you speak your own language with them? 

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What do I need for Telehealth?

What do I need for Telehealth?

Are you unsure about telehealth with your therapist? Here are some simple tips for getting it right. Here at All About Kids we have been getting a crash course in delivering great therapy online. We have been researching, listening, practicing and developing all of the techniques, tools and confidence to deliver counselling and therapy to our clients of all ages. 

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Using Zoom Health

Using Zoom Health

We have put together a HOW TO GUIDE to get you started on Zoom. Talk to your therapist about how they are making telehealth work for you.

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Let's talk about fidget toys

Let's talk about fidget toys

If your child uses Fidgets at school, this is a great clip to help them understand how to use them in the classroom. Your teacher might like to show this clip to the class. For more tips and understanding of Fidgets, ask your Occupational Therapist.

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The Hanen Program

The Hanen Program

TALKABILITY - HANEN PARENT PROGRAM If you have a preschool/ primary school aged child with delayed social communication or ASD you may find this a great program. You will learn skills and strategies to assist you in supporting your child's progress. Caitlin, a certified Hanen therapist, is offering this program on Saturday afternoons/ Wednesday evenings.

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